Cut Long Hair At Home With Scissors: A Step by Step Guide For Beginners

January 18, 2022 3 min read

Cut Long Hair At Home With Scissors: A Step by Step Guide For Beginners - Scissor Hub Australia

If you have long hair becoming too challenging to manage, it might be time for a haircut. Cutting your hair at home with scissors can seem daunting if you've never done it before, but this step by step guide will walk you through the process.

Avoid having your long hair becoming too thick or unmanageable during Australia's hot summer!

This tutorial is specifically for cutting women's long hair using haircutting scissors.

I'm going to start with some tips on how to cut long hair using scissors:

  • Start with dry and clean hair (use shampoo and conditioner)
  • Use a product that matches your natural texture (gel or mousse)
  • Avoid combing wet hair locks; they're more likely to tangle up when they dry out
  • Part hair into manageable sections (usually one in the front, two in the back)
  • Cut slowly and evenly, making sure to keep your fingers close to the scalp
  • Only cut what you need - too much cutting can make your hair look choppy or uneven

Now that you know how to cut long hair with scissors let's get started with the tutorial!

Why Should You Cut Long Hair At Home?

Cutting your hair at home can be a great way to save money on haircuts, and it's also a fun way to experiment with new styles. Plus, it's a great way to get rid of split ends and keep your hair healthy.

How To Cut Long Hair With Scissors - A Step By Step Guide

If you're ready to cut your long hair at home using scissors, here is a step by step guide on how to do it:

  1. Start by sectioning your hair into four parts: one in the front, two in the back, and one in the nape of your neck
  2. Take the front section and clip it out of the way
  3. Divide the back sections into two parts, and clip each part out of the way
  4. Take the nape section and divide it into three parts. Clip the middle part out of the way (leave the side sections loose)
  5. Now that you have all your hair divided up, it's time to start cutting!
  6. Start by Cutting The Back Sections: Cut each back section evenly, making sure to keep your fingers close to the scalp. Be careful not to cut too much off - you only want to remove split ends or damaged hair.
  7. Next, Cut The Nape Section: Cutting the nape section is a little bit more difficult because it's so short. Try to cut in even strokes, and make sure not to take off too much at once.
  8. Finally, Cut The Front Section: This is the easiest part to cut since it's the longest. Just make sure to cut evenly and avoid taking off too much at once.

When you're finished cutting, style your hair as usual. You might need to use a little bit of product to help define your new haircut. Congratulations - you've just learned how to cut long hair with scissors! Happy Haircutting! :-)

The Risks Of Cutting Women's Long Hair At Home

There are a few risks associated with cutting your own hair at home, including:

  • Cutting too much off and creating an uneven look
  • Cutting yourself while you're cutting your hair
  • Creating split ends or other damage to your hair by cutting it incorrectly

These risks can be minimized by following the tips I've mentioned above. Be patient, and take your time using the haircutting scissors, as patience is often the best way to avoid any significant hair catastrophes!


Cutting long hair at home with scissors can be a fun, cheap, and easy way to change up your style. However, you should be aware of a few risks associated with cutting your hair before getting started. Follow these tips to help minimize the risk of any accidents or damage while cutting your hair. Have fun! :-)